48 Quotes by Petina Gappah

  • Author Petina Gappah
  • Quote

    I had never seen so many books gathered in a single space as I saw in that room. I felt less afraid when I thought of all the other people who seemed to have had harder lives than mine. I disappeared completely to occupy the world of whatever book I was reading.

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  • Author Petina Gappah
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    A voice reminds us that the land is ours, it will not be taken from us again; the country will never be a colony again. – ‘Something Nice from London.

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  • Author Petina Gappah
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    When we talk of fate, when we talk of a fatalistic vision of human experience, what we mean is that the most important forces that shape human lives are out of human control.

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  • Author Petina Gappah
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    Only al-Jazeera is allowed to report from Zimbabwe, but it is unwatchable. Their Zimbabwean reporter Supa Mandiwanzira was one of Zanu-PF's praise-singers at the reviled Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation.

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  • Author Petina Gappah
  • Quote

    Zimbabwe is an unusual case study in African colonialism in that it was invaded by a private company under Royal Charter.

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  • Author Petina Gappah
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    On April 18, 1980, the last outpost of empire in Africa died. From Rhodesia's ashes rose a country that would take its place among the free nations as Zimbabwe, the last among equals. And men and women leapt to embrace this dream called Zimbabwe.

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