104 Quotes by Petrarch

Petrarch Quotes By Tag

  • Author Petrarch
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    I feed my heart with sighs, that's all it asks, I live on tears, I think I'm born to weep;I don't complain of that, since in my stateweeping is sweeter than you might believe.

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  • Author Petrarch
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    ...never would I trade for some new shape that laurel I was first, in whose sweet shade all other pleasures vanish in my heart.

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  • Author Petrarch
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    Your Homer is here with me; mute or rather in fact deaf am I, in front of him. But I am happy to gaze upon him and often hug him and, sighing, say, 'Great man, how I would love to hear you!

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  • Author Petrarch
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    Go mortals, sweat, pant, toil, range the lands and seas to pile up riches you cannot keep; glory that will not last. The life we lead is a sleep; whatever we do, dreams. Only death breaks the sleep and wakes us from dreaming. I wish I could have woken before this.

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  • Author Petrarch
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    Gold, silver, jewels, purple garments, houses built of marble, groomed estates, pious paintings, caparisoned steeds, and other things of this kind offer a mutable and superficial pleasure; books give delight to the very marrow of one's bones. They speak to us, consult with us, and join with us in a living and intense intimacy.

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  • Author Petrarch
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    Yet have I oft been beaten in the field, And sometimes hurt," said I, "but scorn'd to yield." He smiled and said: "Alas! thou dost not see, My son, how great a flame's prepared for thee.

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  • Author Petrarch
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    [He who can describe how his heart is ablaze is burning on a small pyre] ~ Petrarch, Sonnet 137(from Montaigne, On sadness)

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  • Author Petrarch
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    She closed her eyes; and in the sweet slumber lyingher spirit tiptoed from its lodging place.It's folly to shrink in fear, if this is dying;for death looked lovely in her face.

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