741 Quotes by Philip K. Dick

  • Author Philip K. Dick
  • Quote

    A bad emotion, he knew. Curiosity was, especially in Party activities, often a terminal state careerwise.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    You put on a bishop's robe and miter, he pondered, and walk around in that, and people bow and genuflect and like that, and try to kiss your ring, if not your ass, and pretty soon you're a bishop. So to speak. What is identity? he asked himself. Where does the act end? Nobody knows.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
  • Quote

    It isn't a brute instinct that keeps us restless and dissatisfied. I'll tell you what it is: it's the highest goal of man - the need to grow and advance . . . to find new things . . . to expand. To spread out, reach areas, experiences, comprehend and live in an evolving fashion. To push aside routine and repetition, to break out of mindless monotony and thrust forward. To keep moving on . . .

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