741 Quotes by Philip K. Dick

  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    From downstairs his mother called, “Sammy, you’re not going out on the roof, are you?”“No,” he yelled back. I am out, he told himself, making in his mind a fine distinction.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    Ruh, farklı renklerdeki ışıklar boyunca rasgele hareket ediyordu, her renk farklı tür bir rahmi, farklı bir yeniden doğuşu simgeliyordu. Bütün kötü rahimlerden uzak durup sonunda açık beyaz ışığa gelmek göçmüş ruhun işiydi. Bunu Nicholas’a anlatmaya karar verdim, çünkü kafası zaten yeterince karışıktı.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    You cook the native foods to perfection, Robert Childan thought. What they say is true: your powers of imitation are immense. Apple pie, Coca-Cola, stroll after the movie, Glenn Miller...you could paste together out of tin and rice paper a completely artificial America. Rice-paper Mom in the kitchen, rice-paper Dad reading the newspaper. Rice-paper put at his feet. Everything.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    Parcifal is one of those corkscrew artifact of culture in which you get the subjective sense that you've learned something from it, something valuable or even priceless; but on closer inspection you suddenly begin to scratch your head and say "Wait a minute. This makes no sense.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    The idea of Saint Paul whirling around in the giant teacups wile composing First Corinthians, as Paris TV films him with a telephoto lens—that just can't be. Saint Paul would never go near Disneyland. Only children, tourists, and visiting Soviet high officials ever go to Disneyland. Saints do not.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    Maybe I shouldn’t have told you––about it being electrical.” She put her hand out, touched his arm; she felt guilty, seeing the effect it had on him, the change.“No," Rick said. “I’m glad to know. Or rather––“ He became silent. “I’d prefer to know.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    Nothing is so alien, so bleak and unfriendly, as the strip of gas stations—cut-rate gas stations—and motels on the rim of your own city. You fail to recognize it. And at the same time, you have to clasp it to your bosom. Not just for one night, but as long as you intend to live where you live.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    It requires the greatest kind of wisdom, she thought, to know when to apply injustice. How can justice fall victim, even, to what is right?

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