741 Quotes by Philip K. Dick

  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    Começou a caminhar sem destino, as mãos nos bolsos, descendo a canaleta de pedestres. Os minutos passavam e cada vez o medo e o desalento aumentavam mais. Tudo desmoronava ao seu redor. Ele se sentia incapaz de evitar o colapso; limitava-se a testemunhá-lo, completamente impotente, engolfado por acontecimentos demasiado poderosos para que pudesse compreendê-los.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    In a sense, the better you adapt to school the less your chances are of later adapting to the actual world. So I figure, the worse you adapt to school, the better you will be able to handle reality when you finally manage to get loose at last from school, if that ever happens. But I guess I have what in the military they call a 'poor attitude,' which means 'shape up or ship out.' I always elected to ship out.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    Las formas primitivas deben de llevar una vida residual, invisible, en cada objeto, meditó Joe. El pasado está latente, sumergido, pero sigue ahí y puede aflorar a la superficie tan pronto desaparezcan, por cualquier desafortunado motivo y contra lo que nos enseña la experiencia diaria, las características del objeto último, más tardío. El hombre no contiene al muchacho, sino a los hombres que lo precedieron. La historia empezó hace mucho.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    Plastics. Polyesters. Resins. Ersatz—industrial uses. Do you see? No consumers’ commodities.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    Sidney's never makes a mistake, he said to himself. We know that, too. What else can we depend on?

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    David Hume, the great­est skep­tic of them all, once remarked that after a gath­er­ing of skep­tics met to pro­claim the verac­i­ty of skep­ti­cism as a phi­los­o­phy, all of the mem­bers of the gath­er­ing nonethe­less left by the door rather than the win­dow. I see Hume’s point. It was all just talk. The solemn philoso­phers weren’t tak­ing what they said seri­ous­ly.

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
  • Quote

    The origin of the Form Destroyer is unclear; it is, for instance, not possible to declare whether (one) he was a separate entity from God from the start, uncreated by God but also self-creating, as is God, or (two) whether the Form Destroyer is an aspect of God...

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  • Author Philip K. Dick
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    Der Geist eines Junkies ist wie die Musik, die du aus dem Radiowecker hörst - manchmal klingt sie ja ganz hübsch, aber sie ist nur dazu da, dich zu etwas Bestimmtem zu veranlassen. Die Musik aus dem Radiowecker soll dich aufwecken; die Musik des Junkies soll dich in ein Werkzeug zur Beschaffung von immer mehr Stoff verwandeln.

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