28 Quotes by Phillip W. Simpson

  • Author Phillip W. Simpson
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    You really are pretty stupid sometimes, you know that? I think you must be more man than demon.” With that, she stormed off. Sam sat where he was, feeling bewildered. “Did I say something wrong?

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  • Author Phillip W. Simpson
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    You don’t ask for much, do you? It may look like we’ve got a whole lot of supplies here, but I’ve got five hungry boys to feed, plus I give whatever I can to Adam and the Black Ridge lot. You need to give me a real good reason, otherwise the answer is going to be no.” Sam took a deep breath. “I’m going to kill the Antichrist.” Big Tom sat completely still for a moment. Then he smiled. “Yep. That’ll do it.

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  • Author Phillip W. Simpson
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    He’d tried to tell Aimi to do something once, and that hadn’t gone well at all. One thing he did know: when a woman got an idea into her head, there was no changing it.

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  • Author Phillip W. Simpson
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    Hello, Samael,” she said, her voice like rustling silk. Sam was speechless. How did such a creature even know his name? He opened his mouth to speak and then closed it again. What to say? He had never been good at talking to girls –

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  • Author Phillip W. Simpson
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    So what you’re saying is that while you and all the other believers enjoy heavenly paradise, I’m stuck down here protecting those who hate me. How am I meant to protect them in the first place when they run at the first glimpse of my horns?” - Sam

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  • Author Phillip W. Simpson
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    And I won’t get to see Hikari or Aimi again? How can that be fair? What have I done to deserve this?”-“It’s not what you’ve done, Sam. It’s who you are. You are destined for greater things because of who you are.

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  • Author Phillip W. Simpson
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    But I have one more thing to tell you, Samael. Something that is more important than what any of us want. Listen to me. The last thing Gabriel told me is that during the Tribulation, you will have a mission.”... “She wants you to kill someone. To kill the Antichrist that has risen in your stead.

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  • Author Phillip W. Simpson
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    Five weeks since the Rapture “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” Thessalonians 4:16-17.

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  • Author Phillip W. Simpson
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    As with everything she did, Aimi excelled. Academically, she was in the top one percent of students in the state and was in the track team that had just won the nationals. She said she only went in for cheerleading because she liked the physical activity. It made sense though, Sam thought. Because of her bright, cheerful attitude, she was also incredibly popular. At times Sam felt slightly jealous of her, but mostly he was just immensely proud.

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