28 Quotes by Pietro Metastasio

  • Author Pietro Metastasio
  • Quote

    If the internal griefs of every man could be read, written on his forehead, how many who now excite envy would appear to be the objects of pity?

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  • Author Pietro Metastasio
  • Quote

    The aged oak upon the steep stands more firm and secure if assailed by angry winds; for if the winter bares its head, the more strongly it strikes its roots into the ground, acquiring strength as it loses beauty.

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  • Author Pietro Metastasio
  • Quote

    Though the Indian ocean abounds in rich and rare gems, it does not boast a clearer sky nor more unruffled sea. If there be a shore that dreads not the fury of the faithless billows, it is some poor and narrow inlet unknown to the winds.

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  • Author Pietro Metastasio
  • Quote

    Love is a feeling that comes into our hearts of our own choice for neither force nor harshness can limit the heart's freedom.

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  • Author Pietro Metastasio
  • Quote

    Every noble acquisition is attended with its risks; he who fears to encounter the one must not expect to obtain the other.

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  • Author Pietro Metastasio
  • Quote

    If our inward griefs were seen written on our brow, how many would be pitied who are now envied! [It., Se a ciascun l'interno affanno Si leggesse in fronte scritto, Quanti mai, che invidia fanno, Ci farebbero pieta!].

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  • Author Pietro Metastasio
  • Quote

    If every man’s internal care Were written on his brow, How many would our pity share Who raise our envy now?

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  • Author Pietro Metastasio
  • Quote

    Love is a feeling that comes into our hearts of our own choice for neither force nor harshness can limit the heart’s freedom.

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  • Author Pietro Metastasio
  • Quote

    How full of error is the judgment of mankind! They wonder at results when they are ignorant of the reasons.

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