30 Quotes by Preston Sprinkle

  • Author Preston Sprinkle
  • Quote

    My culture gives me no categories to view suffering – especially suffering at the hands of an oppressor – as victory. My culture sees suffering only as defeat, as evil. It never sees suffering as a means of victory. This is why I need to read John’s vision about what’s really going on from God’s perspective to correct my American, self-serving, “I will defend my rights at all costs” mind-set. I need to follow the slaughtered Lamb wherever He goes, so that I can reign with Him in victory. THE.

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  • Author Preston Sprinkle
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    Jesus planted the first church on earth with a group of hoodlums who wouldn’t be let inside the doors of most churches today.

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  • Author Preston Sprinkle
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    Because Jesus came to set the captives free, life does not have to be a tireless effort to establish ourselves, justify ourselves, and validate ourselves.

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  • Author Preston Sprinkle
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    Seeing America’s military strength as the hope of the world is an affront to God’s rule over the world. It’s idolatry.

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  • Author Preston Sprinkle
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    This is why your divorce, your addiction, your enslavement to porn, or years of sticking your finger down your throat to match up to some arbitrary standard of beauty can all be woven into the fabric of God’s plan of redemption. God doesn’t cause sin. He mourns it. He despises it. But through His gracious power, He’s able to use it. No one and no sin can outrun God’s grace.

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  • Author Preston Sprinkle
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    Loving one’s enemies was the ethical heartbeat of early Christianity. It’s what separated Christians from everyone else, according to Tertullian.

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  • Author Preston Sprinkle
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    The nonviolent rhythms of the cross meet the melodies of this world with dissonance. I.

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  • Author Preston Sprinkle
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    But our hope does not lie in enforcing our ethic upon secular governments. We can’t legislate the kingdom of God into existence.

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  • Author Preston Sprinkle
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    The most extravagant sinners of Jesus’s day receive His most compassionate welcome. Grace is a divine vulgarity that stands caution on its head. It refuses to play it safe and lay it up. Grace is recklessly generous, uncomfortably promiscuous.

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