116 Quotes by Quinn Loftis
"Does it get heavy?""Does what get heavy?""That big head you lug around 24/7, 365." Sally patted Jen on the back. "It just seems like maybe your neck or back would begin to hurt at some point.""Wow, Sally. I'm impressed you aren't just going for a psychology degree! Right now you seem to be running for mayor of 'I think I'm funny' town."
"Sally rolled her eyes. "Will there ever be a time that I don't have to send you two to opposite corners?""When hell freezes.""And the people there finally get that glass of ice water they've been waiting on," Jen added.Jacque reached around Sally, her fist balled. "I like that one."Jen bumped Jacque's fist and winked. "I know, right? I came up with that one just now.""Oooh, pretty and quick witted.""What can I say, wolf princess? I'm the total package."
"Sorin said they came to him and begged him to take them out for a girls' night. Something about getting Jen and Sally hooked up with – I think they used the words 'hot Romanian mojo', or some non-sense.” Vasile rolled his eyes. “You know how those three talk. It's like a foreign language all on its own."
"Why are we sitting way back here?""This way we can see the whole room and do some recon.""Great, here we go with the black op lingo. Were you a Navy SEAL or some special forces officer in a past life?" Sally asked."It's a gift. It comes so naturally that you think I've had formal training." Jen winked."Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. And, by the way, Hogwarts accepted you and is awaiting your arrival.""Ha ha, good one," Jen said dryly. "You have my vote – you'll be mayor in no time."
"Operation 'forget bossy werewolf guy' has been green-lighted?" Sally asked.Jen covered her face and groaned at Sally's words. "Did you seriously just say that? Operation forget bossy werewolf guy? Really, Sally?"Sally nodded in all seriousness."Well, if you're going to call our night out an operation – and you know how I love ops– at least get it right. It's operation 'forget freaking fine, brooding, bossy werewolf guy'," Jen supplied."Good call."
"My bet is we'll find trouble down that way." He indicated the direction the giggles were coming from."Are we going to survive this week?" Fane asked Decebel wearily."What's this we crap? You're mated, you can go hole up with your woman. I, on the other hand, get to be smack in the middle of the festivities," Decebel said the word as if it were a disease."
"Phase one, my dear, is find your inner hoochie mama.""Ahh, I get it." Sally nodded. "It's all about embracing your inner skank."Jen shook her head. "I think the air is thinner here because you two are clearly not getting enough oxygen to the brain.""Oh, come on. Give us a break. Out of all of us, you've got inner skank-embracing down to an art form," Sally told her."True, very true, Sally. I am expert on all things skank."