306 Quotes by Rachel Cohn

  • Author Rachel Cohn
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    I kiss her and she finds the light switch and turns it off, and we’re just lit in Pepsi-can colors and it’s like we’ve finally found this other kind of conversation, this conversation in gestures and pulls and pushes and breaths and grasps and teases and glimmers and rubs and expectation.

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  • Author Rachel Cohn
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    We will go Awful and die together. But we will do it as free Betas. Not as puppets of the humans.

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  • Author Rachel Cohn
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    But she’s not, and I am left to wonder on my own: How does this work, the getting to know a new guy without revealing too much desperation for his undivided attention?

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  • Author Rachel Cohn
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    I’m mad at global warming for all the obvious reasons, but mostly I’m mad at it for ruining Christmas. This time of year is supposed to be about teeth-chattering, cold weather that necessitates coats, scarves, and mittens. Outside there should be see-your-breath air that offers the promise of sidewalks covered in snow, while inside, families drink hot chocolate by a roaring fire, huddled close together with their pets to keep warm.

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  • Author Rachel Cohn
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    When I was old enough to read and write, my parents gave me an eraser board that I kept in my room at all times. The idea was that when frustrated, I, Lily, should write down words on the board to express my feelings instead of letting she-devil Shrilly express them through shrieking. It was supposed to be a therapeutic tool.

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  • Author Rachel Cohn
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    I could become a nun even if I am a non-believer. I’ll learn to fake it like Nick did with me. I will minister the gospel of compassion and kindness and please, always use a condom, from famine-stricken nations to war-torn dead zones. It’s possible I might become a nun who kisses other nuns...

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  • Author Rachel Cohn
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    I volunteer to be the comfort of the in-between.

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