45 Quotes by Rachel D. Greenwell
"Secrets keep you sick. Keeping secrets about your shame keeps you stuck in a self-hate cycle. Everything in your spirit is screaming to express this energy, and then you consciously fight against it and push it back down. Then you feel bad about yourself for going against what your spirit wanted; more guilt, more shame, more spirit screaming to unload all that toxic energy."
"Having a balanced ego is about not only understanding our equality, but also understanding our differences and being 100% ok with them. It’s about shining when it’s our time to shine and embracing that light, but also letting others have their shine when it’s their time and applauding them for it."
"You don't have to find your purpose in order to live it, you have to live your purpose in order to find it"
"We must stay conscious of our words. We’ve all heard that little phrase when we were kids. “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Well, I call BULLSHIT! As cute as that is and as much as I wish it were true, it’s not. Words are powerful, they can hurt or they can heal."
"If you don’t know how to self-love, if you were never taught how, like a lot of us were never taught how, then you will attempt to fill that void with all kinds of things."
"Beginning a journey to improving self-worth is difficult, facing yourself is difficult, and learning to go within and connect with yourself on a deeper level is super difficult."