281 Quotes by Rachel Held Evans

  • Author Rachel Held Evans
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    In other words, the prophets are weirdos. More than anyone else in Scripture, they remind us that those odd ducks shouting from the margins of society may see things more clearly than the political and religious leaders with the inside track. We ignore them at our own peril.

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  • Author Rachel Held Evans
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    The Law taught the Israelites how to rest on the Sabbath, treat immigrants with compassion, and celebrate their deliverance story through rituals and holidays. It called them to worship one God, denouncing all forms of idolatry, and to honor that God with a community characterized by order and neighborliness. In an ancient world that often celebrated violent indulgence, the Law offered a sense of stability and moral purpose.

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  • Author Rachel Held Evans
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    When we require that all people must say the same words or subscribe to the same creeds in order to experience God, we underestimate the scope and power of God’s activity in the world.

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  • Author Rachel Held Evans
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    I know for a fact that a lot of my Christian friends have thoughtful reasons for interpreting the Bible the way they do and that the phrase "pick and choose" sounds far too arbitrary to describe the attentiveness and concern with which they approach the text.

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  • Author Rachel Held Evans
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    The Proverbs 31 woman is a star not because of what she does but how she does it---with valor. So do your thing. If it's refurbishing old furniture---do it with valor. If it's keeping up with your two-year old---do it with valor. If it's fighting against human trafficking...leading a company...or getting other people to do your work for you---do it with valor. Take risks. Work hard. Make mistakes. Get up the next morning. And surround yourself with people who will cheer you on.

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  • Author Rachel Held Evans
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    As far as I'm concerned, the teachings of Jesus are far too radical to be embodied in a political platform or represented by a single candidate. It's not up to some politician to represent my Christian values to the world; it’s up to me. That's why I'm always a little perplexed when someone finds out that I'm not a Republican and asks, "How can you call yourself a Christian?

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  • Author Rachel Held Evans
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    And sometimes, just showing up, burial spices in hand, is all it takes to witness a miracle.

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  • Author Rachel Held Evans
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    In the ritual of baptism, our ancestors acted out the bizarre truth of the Christian identity: We are people who stand totally exposed before evil and death and declare them powerless against love.

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