60 Quotes by Radclyffe Hall

  • Author Radclyffe Hall
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    In her they instinctively sensed an outlaw, and theirs was the task of policing nature.

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  • Author Radclyffe Hall
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    Why should this girl have crossed Stephen’s path, or indeed Stephen hers, if it came to that matter? Was not the world large enough for them both? Perhaps not – or perhaps the event of their meeting had already been written upon tablets of stone by some wise if relentless recording finger.

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  • Author Radclyffe Hall
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    Susan glanced down and smiled. ‘Go away, Sieglinde,’ she said, giving her a push. It’s food, not me, you fraud!’ Sieglinde regained her balance with the dexterity of a tight-rope walker. She sighed and whinnied under her breath continuously, while her paws took a firmer grip of Susan’s knee.

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  • Author Radclyffe Hall
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    The sorrows of childhood are mercifully passing, for it is only when maturity has rendered soil mellow that grief will root very deeply. Stephen’s.

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  • Author Radclyffe Hall
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    Love is the sweetest monotony that was ever conceived of by the Creator.

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  • Author Radclyffe Hall
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    Oh, yes – very easy to talk about death, but not so easy to manage the dying.

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  • Author Radclyffe Hall
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    There is something that mankind can never destroy in spite of an unreasoning will to destruction, and this is its own idealism, that integral part of its very being.

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  • Author Radclyffe Hall
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    After she had gone he sat on alone, and the lie was still bitter to his spirit as he sat there, and he covered his face for the shame that was in him – but because of the love that was in him he wept.

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  • Author Radclyffe Hall
  • Quote

    What could she do, bound as she was by the tyranny of silence? She dared not explain the girl to herself... that wilfully selfish tyranny of silence evolved by a crafty old ostrich of a world for its own well-being and comfort. The world hid its head in the sands of convention, so that seeing nothing it might avoid Truth... if silence is golden it is also in this case, very expedient.

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