162 Quotes by Ralph Lauren

"Every time I design clothes, I'm making a movie."


"I have always done what I love myself. My philosophy was that I never had focus groups. I did what I wear."


"I'm a fan of people that have quality, that do what they do and that are not into the showbiz."


"I’ve always been about style for people, not ‘You’re going to wear this outfit,’... It was the way you put yourself together and the imagination, not buying this number off the rack, but the way you wear it"


"Cars are like children: It's hard to say that any one is more special than the other. There are little things about each car that you come to love, whether it's the look, the steering wheel, the way it drives, or even the way it drives differently when you put the top up. They all have identities; they have spirits and characteristics that are truly endearing in some way."


"I have always loved things that are timeless and get better with age."


"When you think of the blur of all the brands that are out there, the ones you believe in and the ones you remember, like Chanel and Armani, are the ones that stand for something. Fashion is about establishing an image that consumers can adapt to their own individuality. And it's an image that can change, that can evolve. It doesn't reinvent itself every two years."


"Fashion is a function of lifestyle, and style a function of quality, integrity and timelessness."


"I'm interested in longevity, timelessness, style - not fashion."


"We all get report cards in many different ways, but the real excitement of what you're doing is in the doing of it. It's not what you're gonna get in the end - it's not the final curtain - it's really in the doing it, and loving what you're doing."
