120 Quotes by Ramez Naam

  • Author Ramez Naam
  • Quote

    But remember, anger cannot be fought with anger. Rage cannot be fought with rage. No amount of signal processing can cancel out suffering, or craving, or aversion. If you want to help a mind – or a world – find peace, do exactly that. Help it find peace.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
  • Quote

    We must all act within the choices we are given.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
  • Quote

    We think of ourselves as individuals, but all that we have accomplished, and all that we will accomplish, is the result of groups of humans cooperating. Those groups are organisms in their own rights.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
  • Quote

    Like Einstein, Kade thought. The problems we currently face can’t be solved at the level of thinking that created them.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
  • Quote

    I think it’s all that’s holding me together,” Kade said. “Then perhaps you should fall apart,” Ananda replied.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
  • Quote

    Breathe. Slow. Observe. Break the link between sensation and reaction. Breathe into the gap between them. Blind reaction is attachment. Blind reaction is slavery. Freedom exists in the gap. Choice exists in the gap.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
  • Quote

    When had terrorists ever accomplished anything but to enrage people, drive them towards greater security, greater sacrifice of freedom? They only gave their oppressors more excuses for oppression. And the oppressors just drove the oppressed further towards violent rebellion. Extremists on both sides gave power to the very forces they fought against.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
  • Quote

    Hard work guarantees you nothing. But laziness assures failure. Work hard, or you have only yourself to blame.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
  • Quote

    It was a toss-up which was more pointless: Arguing with an algorithm or talking back to his mother.

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