120 Quotes by Ramez Naam

  • Author Ramez Naam
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    But Nita had always seen having a child as selfish. Why bring another soul into this world, she’d say, when there are so many out there that need our help?

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  • Author Ramez Naam
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    In seeking to uncover the causes of an event, ask yourself: who stands to benefit from it?

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  • Author Ramez Naam
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    We’re all born dying, someone had said. What matters is only how we spend the instant we’re given.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
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    Luxuries and indulgences were distractions from true greatness, tawdry and ephemeral baubles that dissipated energy that could be directed toward more meaningful and durable accomplishments in the world around him.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
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    Hard work guarantees you nothing. But laziness assures.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
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    What I mean is that we all exists as parts of groups and collectives larger than ourselves. Tribes. Communities. Organizations. Institutions. Families. Nations. We think of ourselves as individuals, but all that we have accomplished, and all that we will accomplish, is the result of groups of humans cooperating. Those groups are organisms in their own rights. We are their components.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
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    It did something to the temporal lobe, one of the circuits involved in religious experience. It was supposed to put people closer to God. It did that. It also made them slaves.

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  • Author Ramez Naam
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    Buddhism suits me ‘cuz nobody’s in charge. Nobody’s decidin’ for me if I’m good or bad, goin’ to heaven or hell. It’s just me workin’ on my head, you workin’ your head, the friggin’ Dalai Lama workin’ on his head.

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