90 Quotes by Rebecca Skloot

  • Author Rebecca Skloot
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    Henrietta’s were different: they reproduced an entire generation every twenty-four hours, and they never stopped. They became the first immortal human cells ever grown in a laboratory.

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  • Author Rebecca Skloot
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    Black scientists and technicians, many of them women, used cells from a black woman to help save the lives of millions of Americans, most of them white. And they did so on the same campus—and at the very same time—that state officials were conducting the infamous Tuskegee syphilis studies.

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  • Author Rebecca Skloot
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    Day wouldn’t have understood the concept of immortal cells or HLA markers coming from anyone, accent or not—he’d only gone to school for four years of his life, and he’d never studied science. The only kind of cell he’d heard of was the kind Zakariyya was living in out at Hagerstown. So he did what he’d always done when he didn’t understand something a doctor said: he nodded and said yes.

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  • Author Rebecca Skloot
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    Everyone in the audience knew what that meant. On top of saying they’d possibly wasted more than a decade and millions of research dollars, Gartler was also suggesting that spontaneous transformation—one of the most celebrated prospects for finding a cure for cancer—might not exist. Normal cells didn’t spontaneously become cancerous, he said; they were simply taken over by HeLa.

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  • Author Rebecca Skloot
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    Black patients were treated much later in their disease process. They were often not given the same kind of pain management that white patients would have gotten and they died more often of diseases.

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  • Author Rebecca Skloot
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    Often doctors didn't even tell you what was wrong with you. They just treated you, and sent you home.

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  • Author Rebecca Skloot
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    The laws are still very unclear. Cells are still taken from people without consent - a lot of people don't realize it.

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  • Author Rebecca Skloot
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    Good science is all about following the data as it shows up and letting yourself be proven wrong, and letting everything change while you're working on it - and I think writing is the same way.

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  • Author Rebecca Skloot
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    For scientists, growing cells took so much work that they couldn't get much research done. So the selling of cells was really just for the sake of science, and there weren't a lot of profits.

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