588 Quotes by Rhonda Byrne

"No matter what challenging situation you may find yourself in, imagine the best outcome of it and feel it! When you do, you will change the circumstances, and you will change the situation into what you want!"


"Your thoughts determine your frequency, and your feelings tell you immediately what frequency you are on."


"Every person has their own unique circumstances to overcome, but every single person has the opportunity to achieve anything - and change everything."


"All of this abundance begins to shine through a mind that is aware of it's own infinite nature. There's enough for everyone. See it. Believe it. it will show up for you."


"You can use the law of attraction to create your whole life in advance, right down to the next thing you are doing today."


"The truth is there is more than enough love, creative ideas, power, joy, happiness to go around."


"You can purposefully use your feelings to transmit an even more powerful frequency, by adding feeling to what you are wanting."


"Your power is in your thoughts, so stay awake. In other words, remember to remember."


"The reason visualization is so powerful is because as you create pictures in your mind of seeing yourself with what it is you want, you are generating thoughts and feelings of having it now. Visualization is simply powerfully focused thought in pictures, and it causes equally powerful feelings."


"People think that if everyone knows the power of the LOA there won't be enough to go around .. This is a lie that's been ingrained in us and makes so many greedy."
