94 Quotes by Ric Flair

  • Author Ric Flair
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    I like Manchester, Birmingham. I really find this place very nice. Loved Australia. I thought that was awesome.

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  • Author Ric Flair
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    I was always a fan but me and Kevin Pattero, he was a friend of mine who trained for the Olympic games in 1972… he and I became very close friends and roommates and I kind of rode his coattails into the business.

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  • Author Ric Flair
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    People think it’s hard to travel to the airports. 9/11 has made our travel difficult, with the security laws and that. As far as comparing what we do to driving 3,000 miles a week, making fifty bucks a night, sometimes one hundred bucks a night, it’s a lot different. Guaranteed contracts, first class air fare, Hilton hotels in London, Champaign. Waddaya want? What more could you ask for!

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  • Author Ric Flair
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    We used to wrestle every night, 385 times a year. For ten years. 365 days. Never had any holidays off, ever. Holidays were always two-day venues. Two event venues. Afternoon and night.

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  • Author Ric Flair
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    I enjoyed my time as Raw Co-Owner. Actually I got beat more! I got beat up a lot as Co-owner but it was ok.

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  • Author Ric Flair
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    I think my fondest memories would be with Sting, and Steamboat, Dusty and er… I made a lot of money wrestling Wahoo McDaniel and Jack Mulligan too. It’d be hard to pinpoint one.

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  • Author Ric Flair
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    I thought Chris Benoit was worthy of being a Horseman. I thought Dean Melinko was. Obviously I thought Steven Michael was, though obviously he was inexperienced, I thought he was a perfect fit as a horseman. I did not like the Paul Roma deal. I did not like Sid Vicious or about two or three guys that they put in there, I just couldn’t see it. I couldn’t stomach it, but I had to.

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  • Author Ric Flair
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    We only work… the most I ever work is three days a week. Very rare that I will work four. If I’'m involved in a scenario where they need me to be in it, I don'’t mind. They always work around my children’s schedule, their sports, and stuff like that. That’s been very important to me.

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