95 Quotes by Richard Attenborough

  • Author Richard Attenborough
  • Quote

    I very, very, very rarely lose my temper. I do get cross sometimes when encountering something that I feel is improper, that I feel is lacking in justice and equity, and this all sounds very pompous and over the top - but these are the things that really upset me: intolerance, prejudice etc. I suppose in more mundane matters, I'm impatient.

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  • Author Richard Attenborough
  • Quote

    If someone says they're going to ring me at 10 o'clock and it's 10 past and they haven't rung, I'm irritated.

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  • Author Richard Attenborough
  • Quote

    I'm not an intellectual in any sense, I have constraints of erudition. I'm not able to deal with things outside my ken, and that makes me irritable. I'm irritable about the fact that I never went to university.

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  • Author Richard Attenborough
  • Quote

    You act in a movie, and at the end of the day, the director and editor decide what your performance is.

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  • Author Richard Attenborough
  • Quote

    I think there were times when, if circumstances had developed, I might have been tempted into politics. I am a fan of Tony Blair. I think Gordon Brown is a fine man, but I think he's headed for one hell of a bloody struggle.

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  • Author Richard Attenborough
  • Quote

    When me and Sheila got married, all we had was an oval table, four chairs, a bed, and a painting by Matthew Smith.

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