204 Quotes by Richard Baxter

  • Author Richard Baxter
  • Quote

    When I compare my slow and unprofitable life with the frequent and wonderful mercies received, it shames me, it silences me, and leaves me inexcusable.

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  • Author Richard Baxter
  • Quote

    We are members of the world and of the church, and must labour to do good to many; and therefore we have greater work to do on earth, than merely securing our own salvation. We are intrusted with our Master’s talents for his service, to do our best in our places, to propagate his truth and grace, to edify his church, honour his cause, and promote the salvation of as many souls as we can. All this is to be done on earth, if we would secure the end of all in heaven.

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  • Author Richard Baxter
  • Quote

    Till you can rest in God’s will you will never have rest.

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  • Author Richard Baxter
  • Quote

    You are likely to see no general reformation till you procure family reformation. Some little obscure religion there may be in here and there one; but while it sticks in single persons, and is not promoted by these societies, it doth not prosper, nor promise much for future increase.

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  • Author Richard Baxter
  • Quote

    Tomorrow is always the sluggard’s working day; today is his holiday.

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  • Author Richard Baxter
  • Quote

    Keep up a humble sense of your own faults, and that will make you compassionate to others.

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  • Author Richard Baxter
  • Quote

    You shall find this to be God’s usual course: not to give his children the taste of his delights till they begin to sweat in seeking after them.

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  • Author Richard Baxter
  • Quote

    It is not the reading of many books which is necessary to make a man wise or good, but the well-reading of a few, could he be sure to have the best. And it is not possible to read over many on the same subject without a great deal of loss of precious time.

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  • Author Richard Baxter
  • Quote

    There is a great deal of duty that husband and wife owe to one another, such as to instruct, admonish, pray, watch over one another, and be continual helpers to each other in order to their everlasting happiness; they must also patiently bear with the infirmities of each other.

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