18 Quotes by Richard Nelson

"This annual signature fundraising event is an opportunity for bosses to take their office pros out to lunch to celebrate the good work that they do for their business. With Frank De Lima as our headliner, we expect to sell out early, so make your reservations now."


"They told me they're hearing it's as dangerous down in the South as it is in Iraq."


"A lot of (the other firefighters) are a little envious. It's the nature of our occupation. We want to be where the action is. When people are in need of help, we want to be there. I'm really surprised my name came up. Any person in the department could do this job, and to be able to go down and help them is really an honor."


"There wasn't any evidence that (the peer review team) was split in any way."


"There may be more to learn from climbing the same mountain a hundred times than by climbing a hundred different mountains."


"The biggest factor for survival is attitude. If you've got the right attitude, you can get through it. The equipment and training is secondary."


"If you take away ideology, you are left with a case by case ethics which in practise ends up as me first, me only, and in rampant greed."


"You can prepare yourself mentally, but it's going to be different when you actually get down there. We deal with death here in town, but it's generally single deaths instead of many."
