552 Quotes by Richard Rohr
- Author Richard Rohr
It is no surprise that the first and always unwelcome message of male initiation rites is LIFE – IS – HARD.
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- Author Richard Rohr
In the second half of life, people have less power to infatuate you. But they also have much less power to control you or hurt you.
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- Author Richard Rohr
We have been shown how to fight hate without becoming hate ourselves. We have been given a Companion and a Friend and not just a good idea. We have been given joy in the midst of failure, and not just a way of winning or being right.
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- Author Richard Rohr
If we seek spiritual heroism ourselves, the old ego is just back in control under a new name. There would not really be any change at all, but only disguise, just bogus self-improvement on our own terms.
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- Author Richard Rohr
Much of what is called Christianity has more to do with disguising the ego behind the screen of religion and culture than any real movement toward a God beyond the small self, and a new self in God.
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- Author Richard Rohr
Sin happens whenever we refuse to keep growing.
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- Author Richard Rohr
True spirituality is not taught, it's caught. Once our sails have been unfurled to the Spirit, henceforth our motivation for the journey toward holiness and wholeness is immense gratitude.
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- Author Richard Rohr
One great idea of the biblical revelation is that God is manifest in the ordinary, in the actual, in the daily, in the now, in the concrete incarnations of life, and not through purity codes and moral achievement contests, which are seldom achieved anyway… We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking… The most courageous thing we will ever do is to bear humbly the mystery of our own reality.
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- Author Richard Rohr
The way to transmute the pain of life is to reveal the wounded side of things, evil, even, and then place the wound inside of sacred space. The Bible is about naming, facing, and then forgiving the wounds of history.
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