552 Quotes by Richard Rohr
- Author Richard Rohr
Every missed rite of passage leads to a new rigidification of the personality.
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- Author Richard Rohr
If you do not acquire good training in detachment, you may attach to all the wrong things.
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- Author Richard Rohr
The cross solved our problem by first revealing our real problem, our universal pattern of scapegoating and sacrificing others. The cross exposes forever the scene of our crime.
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- Author Richard Rohr
I do not think you should get rid of your sin until you have learned what it has to teach you.
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- Author Richard Rohr
Denial of our pattern of failure seems to be a kind of practical atheism or chosen ignorance among many believers and clergy.
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- Author Richard Rohr
Sell your cleverness and purchase bewilderment instead. It is such a willingness to live with bewilderment that characterizes the true wise man.
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- Author Richard Rohr
Ability to laugh at evil, to relativize symbols without dismissing them is usually a sign of a rather healthy person. Puritans and reformers can never laugh.
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- Author Richard Rohr
Right words make all of us feel falsely important. Right action keeps all of us forever beginners.
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- Author Richard Rohr
If change and growth are not programmed into your spirituality, if there are not serious warnings about the blinding nature of fear and fanaticism, your religion will always end up worshiping the status quo and protecting your present ego position and personal advantage as if it were God.
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