31 Quotes by Rivers Solomon

"How come white folks were always telling Black people to get over slavery because it was 150 or so years ago but they couldn’t get over their Christ who died 1,830 years before that?"


"What is belonging?” we ask. She says, “Where loneliness ends."


"Without the History, she felt out of place and out of time. She missed being connected to all.But connection came with responsibility. Duty choked independence and freedom."


"Loving, worshipping, and bowing down to folks who harmed you was written into the genes of all animal creatures. To be alive meant to lust after connection, and better to have one with the enemy than with no one at all. A baby's fingers and mouth grasp on instinct."


"You are mean because inside you’re tiny. So tiny you cannot hold up the weight of your own body. You must inflate your ego just to fill the skin. You float around like a helium balloon. Blown up and bloated and gassy and empty."


"Then don't die." Yetu said... "Stay with me and we will make a new thing. What's behind us, it is done."


"She's more delicate than you'd think," I say. She's glass. I'm glass. We're all glass, busted up, unrecognizable from our original selves. We walk around in fragments. It's a circus act."


"You are an anomaly of a man," she said."Perhaps because I'm not a man at all." He sat closer now. The sheets wrinkled as he scooted himself toward her."Aye. You gender-malcontent. You otherling," she said..."Me too. I am a boy and a girl and a witch all wrapped into one very strange, flimsy, indecisive body. Do you think my body couldn't decide what it wanted to be?""I think it doesn't matter because we get to decide what our bodies are or are not," he answered."


"Conform or die. That was his motto. I am oddly doing bits of both, each half-assedly."


"The point is what you do when you don't have the details. Do you interrogate? Do you examine? Or do you settle for the obvious answer?"
