396 Quotes by Rob Bell
- Author Rob Bell
At any moment in the day, you can only do one thing at a time. And the more intentional you are about knowing what your 1 is, the more present you will be.
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- Author Rob Bell
We’re all endlessly figuring it out because Spirit keeps doing something new. We can fight this, resist this, dig in our heels, wish things were the way they used to be, or we can embrace it. We can choose to see it with fear and frustration, or we can see it as thrilling and invigorating. Organizations can keep trying to relive their glory days, wishing things were like they were when they started.
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- Author Rob Bell
Jesus doesn’t divide the world up into the common and the sacred; he gives us eyes to see the sacred in the common.
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- Author Rob Bell
Great marriages have an ease about them, a back-and-forth nonreactive, nondefensive, open, and ongoing flow in which you never stop talking and figuring it out together.
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- Author Rob Bell
God is not a question about what may or may not be up there or above or out there – God is what we’re unquestionably in.
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- Author Rob Bell
The point of the Abraham-and-Isaac story isn’t that you should sacrifice your kid but that you can leave behind any notion of a god who demands that you sacrifice your kid.
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- Author Rob Bell
Why would we ever be surprised when truth turns up in strange places?
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- Author Rob Bell
There’s a line in the Bible about the God who is above all and through all and in all. Just one line, but so massive. Above all and through all and in all.
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- Author Rob Bell
The historical orthodox Christian faith is extremely wide and diverse.
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