"On your birthday thank your parents and celebrate with them. They are the reason you are here and it is their day too."
"I challenge myself everyday to be the most positive and enthusiastic person I know."
"The words: never, can’t, quit, and fail, are not in my vocabulary."
"I am a Body-for-LIFE Challenge 2000 Winner. “Winners finish and finishers win.”"
"Before starting a fitness program or diet, know why you’re doing it. Have specific goals with deadlines and visualize the end result each night before going to bed."
"Dare to be different. Successful people always stand out."
"Pay close attention to detail in whatever it is you are doing. Be specific and expect quality from your performance."
"Mapping out your own future in the form of images, phrases, and inspirational words that you are able to see every day will help reinforce your desires to attain what you set out to achieve."
"Always work harder than other people are willing to work. Sweat more, endure more pain, and then reap the rewards of success and achievement."
"Vegan bodybuilding is about fueling your body with a vast array of natural, healthy foods, combined with resistance weight training and exercise, providing your body with the appropriate tools to build your physique and achieve your fitness goals."