"Be open to other people’s opinions, ideas, and try new things. One of the best ways to learn is to feed off other people’s experiences."
"Take time to compliment people every day. Do it sincerely and with no desire to gain anything but a smile in return."
"When someone compliments me on my physique, positive attitude, or enthusiasm, I walk on air the rest of the day."
"When intention is supported by effort, success follows."
"Remember all the people in your life who helped guide you on your road to success. Thank them sincerely and often."
"Be willing to give people a second chance. You’d be surprised how well people respond to another opportunity to succeed."
"Believe in yourself and others will believe in you."
"Do nice things for people who may be less fortunate than you."
"Be someone’s best friend and be there when he or she needs you."
"My brother is my best friend and nothing is stronger than family."