135 Quotes by Robert F. Kennedy

"While free markets tend to democratize a society, unfettered capitalism leads invariably to corporate control of government."


"We can master change not though force or fear, but only though the free work of an understanding mind, though an openness to new knowledge and fresh outlooks, which can only strengthen the most fragile and most powerful of human gifts: the gift of reason."


"Too much and too long, we seem to have surrendered community excellence and community values in the mere accumulation of material things."


"I’m tired of chasing people."


"The natural state of a human being is dignity."


"My views on birth control are somewhat distorted by the fact that I was seventh of nine children."


"Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. What is equally true is that every community gets the kind of law enforcement it insists on."


"In my judgment, the slogan “black power” and what has been associated with it has set the civil rights movement back considerably in the United States over the period of the last several months."


"Courage is the most important attribute of a lawyer. It is more important than competence or vision. It can never be an elective in any law school. It can never be de-limited, dated or outworn, and it should pervade the heart, the halls of justice and the chambers of the mind."


"What happens to the country, to the world, depends on what we do with what others have left us."
