166 Quotes by Robert Jackson Bennett

  • Author Robert Jackson Bennett
  • Quote

    In Shara's estimation, lists form one half of the heart of intelligence, the second half being patience. Most espionage work, after all, is a matter of collecting data and categorizing it: who belongs to which group, and why; where are they now, and how are we sure, and do we have someone else in the region; and now that we have cataloged those groups, what threat level should they be categorized under; and so on, and so on, and so on.

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  • Author Robert Jackson Bennett
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    A 6-inch cannon. I've only ever seen those on a Saypuri dreadnought... And it looks like they have, or expect to have, 36 of the damn things.""And they plan to do what with them? Bombard the hills? Fight a war with the squirrels?

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  • Author Robert Jackson Bennett
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    For a caterpillar to become a butterfly, it must forget it was ever a caterpillar at all. Then it will be as if the caterpillar never was and there was only ever the butterfly.

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  • Author Robert Jackson Bennett
  • Quote

    Historians, I think, should be keepers of truth. We must tell things as they are -- honestly, and without subversion. That is the greatest good one can do. -- City of Stairs

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