45 Quotes by Robert K. Massie

  • Author Robert K. Massie
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    Because she had waited so long and prayed so hard for her son, the revelation that Alexis suffered from hemophilia struck Alexandra with savage force. From that moment, she lived in the particular sunless world reserved for the mothers of hemophiliacs.

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  • Author Robert K. Massie
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    She sent me a bottle with a liquid composed of lemon juice, egg white and French brandy. In a few days my sunburn disappeared and since then I have always used this mixture. One.

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  • Author Robert K. Massie
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    Peter returned to Russia determined to remold his country along Western lines. The old Muscovite state, isolated and introverted for centuries, would reach out to Europe and open itself to Europe. In a sense, the flow of effect was circular: the West affected Peter, the Tsar had a powerful impact upon Russia, and Russia, modernized and emergent, had a new and greater influence on Europe. For all three, therefore – Peter, Russia and Europe – the Great Embassy was a turning point.

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  • Author Robert K. Massie
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    Without Rasputin, there could have been no Lenin.” ALEXANDER KERENSKY.

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  • Author Robert K. Massie
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    Why Lenin triumphed, why Nicholas failed, why Alexandra placed the fate of her son, her husband and his empire in the hands of a wandering holy man, why Alexis suffered from hemophilia – these are the true riddles of this historical tale. All of them have answers except, perhaps, the last.

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  • Author Robert K. Massie
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    My friend,” he said, “there is no worse traitor than a small lapdog. The first thing I always do when I am in love with a woman is to give her one of these little dogs. This way, I can always discover whether there is someone more favored than myself. The test is infallible. As you saw just now, the dog wanted to bite me because I am a stranger, but when it saw you, it went mad with joy.” Two days after this visit, Poniatowski left Russia.

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  • Author Robert K. Massie
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    This,” Catherine wrote later, “is the effect that can be produced by a stupid, carelessly spoken word – it is never forgotten.

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  • Author Robert K. Massie
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    Four of my children are daughters, and Ive watched them devote themselves to reading books about how little girls learn to become women – how they learn to deal with boys and men, and the different hurdles females have to go over.

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  • Author Robert K. Massie
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    Madame, you must be gay; only thus can life be endured. I speak from experience for I have had to endure much, and have only been able to endure it because I have always laughed whenever I had the chance.

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