727 Quotes by Robin Hobb
- Author Robin Hobb
Suddenly, everything was easy and clear. I simply did whatever Chade told me to do, and trusted to him to have it turn out right. My spirit rode high on the crest of that wave of faith, and sometime during the night it occurred to me: this was what Burrich had had from Chivalry, and what he missed so badly.
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- Author Robin Hobb
The King's tool. I see.' An oppression settle over me. My brief glimpse of blue skies arching over yellow roads and me travelling down them astride Sooty suddenly vanished. I thought of the hounds in their kennels instead, or of the hawk, hooded and strapped, that rode on the King's wrist and was loosed only to do the King's will.
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- Author Robin Hobb
I am too swift of tongue. But I think that is the best way to talk to a dragon.
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- Author Robin Hobb
It was an impressive display of good food abused in the name of fashionable cooking.
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- Author Robin Hobb
This was done by someone who believes himself very clever, and believes others are very stubid.
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- Author Robin Hobb
There is always power in holding a secret.
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- Author Robin Hobb
Existuje místo, kde veškerý čas je nyní a všechny volby prosté a vždycky tvé vlastní.
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- Author Robin Hobb
Vlci žádného krále nemají.
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- Author Robin Hobb
Jsme tady, Fitzi, ty a já, abychom změnili budoucnost světa. Abychom hmátli a podrželi na místě ten malinký oblázek, který by mohl uvolnit padající balvany.
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