727 Quotes by Robin Hobb
- Author Robin Hobb
History is what we do in our lives. We create it as we go along.’ He smiled enigmatically. ‘The future is another kind of history.
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- Author Robin Hobb
There are other types of neglect and deprivation. To deny what unfolds inside someone, to forbid the magic that comes unbidden, to impose ignorance in a way that invites danger, to say to a child, ‘You must not be what you are.’ That is wrong.” His voice was gentle but the condemnation was without compassion.
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- Author Robin Hobb
Wait for you? Not likely. I’ve always had to run ahead of you and show you the way.
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- Author Robin Hobb
I could set aside my responsibilities to others and live my life as I pleased only when I also severed my ties to them. I could not have it both ways. To be part of a family, or any community, is to have duties and responsibilities, to be bound by the rules of that group.
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- Author Robin Hobb
For too many, when they get their dream, they discover it is not what they wanted. Or the dream is bigger than their abilities, and all ends in bitterness.
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- Author Robin Hobb
Axes bit wood into pieces and hammers nailed it back together. Humans could never accept the world as it was and live in it. They were always breaking it and living amongst the shattered pieces.
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- Author Robin Hobb
You can’t die from seasickness, but you wish you could.
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- Author Robin Hobb
It’s an old tradition or perhaps a superstition. Never call something by its true name if you wish to avoid calling its attention to you. Perhaps.
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- Author Robin Hobb
Perhaps the gods punish us by bringing us face to face with our own foolish mistakes, condemning us to watch our children fall into the same traps that crippled us.
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