727 Quotes by Robin Hobb
- Author Robin Hobb
Look at her. The sun soaks right int her and shines back out of her. She’s magnificent.
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- Author Robin Hobb
As it was with dragons, so it is with queens. A careless word or deed could have severe consequences. Inside.
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- Author Robin Hobb
We didn’t have to share a mind to share a heart.
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- Author Robin Hobb
Be very chary of telling your hoarded secrets. Many lose all power once they have been divulged. Be even more careful of sharing your own secrets lest you find yourself a puppet dancing on someone else’s strings.
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- Author Robin Hobb
I suddenly wished to go back, to have again each separate day to spend. Time. I was trapped in it, fenced into a tiny piece of now that was the only time I could influence. All the soons and tomorrows I might plan were ghost things that might be snatched from me at any moment. Intentions were nothing. Now was all I had.
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- Author Robin Hobb
If I enter the room as you are fastening your shoe, I can say, “There will be a lovely moon tonight,” and then you will call it to mind. But before I call it forth for you, you have forgotten the moon. One can swiftly understand that for most moments of our lives, we have forgotten almost all of the world around us, except for what currently claims our interest.
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- Author Robin Hobb
When had it become so ingrained in her to apologize whenever she wanted something for herself?
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- Author Robin Hobb
The carriageway to the front door was wide, and graceful white birches lined it. In autumn they shed a carpet of gold on the road, and in winter, burdened with snow, they arched over it, a frosted white tunnel paned with glimpses of blue sky.
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- Author Robin Hobb
Once she would have found him mysterious and alluring. She had grown wiser. Dangerous men were neither romantic nor exotic; they were men who could hurt you.
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