577 Quotes by Roger Ebert

  • Author Roger Ebert
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    If a movie isn’t a hit right out of the gate, they drop it. Which means that the whole mainstream Hollywood product has been skewed toward violence and vulgar teen comedy.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    Open-heart surgery is now part of a typical life experience for many people. Folks talk casually about ‘having a stent put in,’ as if they had their tires rotated.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    It’s strange: We leave the movie having enjoyed its conclusion so much that we almost forgot our earlier reservations. But they were there, and they were real.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    I believe that young people wearing hoods, unless they are very young, can be frightening. What are they hiding? Why don’t they want to come out into the light with the rest of us? They may be perfectly nice, but the hoods send an uncertain statement.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    We can’t help identifying with the protagonist. It’s coded in our movie-going DNA.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    Socrates told us, “the unexamined life is not worth living.” I think he’s calling for curiosity, more than knowledge. In every human society at all times and at all levels, the curious are at the leading edge.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    Many thrillers follow such reliable formulas that you can look at what’s happening and guess how much longer a film has to run.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    If there’s anything I hate more than a stupid action comedy, it’s an incompetent stupid action comedy. It’s not so bad it’s good. It’s so bad it’s nothing else but bad.

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