577 Quotes by Roger Ebert

  • Author Roger Ebert
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    Fight Club is a thrill ride masquerading as philosophy – the kind of ride where some people puke and others can’t wait to get on again.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    Families and their problems go on and on, and they aren’t solved, they’re dealt with.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    Their costumes look purchased from the Goodwill store on Tatoine.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    The right really dominates radio, and it’s amazing how much energy the right spends telling us that the press is slanted to the left when it really isn’t. They want to shut other people up. They really don’t understand the First Amendment.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    One sign of a great actor is when he can be alone by himself on the screen, doing almost nothing, and producing one of a film’s defining moments.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    Fast Food Rule. Wanna know what the summer’s blockbuster is going to be? See who McDonald’s does the marketing tie-in with. Wanna know what blockbuster will do disappointing business? See who Burger King ties in with.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    There’s nothing like impending death to rouse you from existential boredom.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    Much has been written about Generation X and the films about it. Clerks is so utterly authentic that its heroes have never heard of their generation. When they think of “X,” it’s on the way to the video store.

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  • Author Roger Ebert
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    You slide down in your seat and make yourself comfortable. On the screen in front of you, the movie image appears – enormous and overwhelming. If the movie is a good one, you allow yourself to be absorbed in its fantasy, and its dreams become part of your memories.

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