98 Quotes by Ron Brackin

"Greed and Lust never say, “Enough!"


"You know how we sometimes sigh, “Well, that was a waste of time.“? Or we snap at somebody: “You’re wasting my time!” What does that even mean in the age of texts and tweets, TV and video games?"


"If wool shrinks when you wash it, why don’t sheep get smaller when it rains?"


"What I like best about cell phones is that I can talk to myself in the car now and nobody thinks it’s weird."


"When a lady accessorizes in here in Texas, she’s selecting caliber, not color."


"People are fond of saying this or that “changed my life.” What they mean is something influenced their life. Only Jesus Christ – or WITSEC – can really change a life."


"Reading book reviews is like asking other people to chew your food for you."


"Capitalism – trade and industry controlled by people instead of a state – is a fine notion. Sadly, it has devolved into a culture in which tradesmen and industrialists lie, cheat, and sacrifice themselves and others for money to buy stuff that doesn’t work, doesn’t last, and doesn’t matter. And after they’re dead, their lives haven’t mattered. Even if they built a city, others will tear it down one day to build a park. Successful capitalists invest themselves in the lives of others."
