98 Quotes by Ron Brackin

"The chicken came first. Now, can we please move on?"


"People are fond of saying this or that "changed my life." What they mean is something influenced their life. Only Jesus Christ--or WITSEC--can really change a life."


"One of the difficult things about growing older is that you start losing so many friends. On the other hand, the older you get, the less time you have to wait until you see them again."


"The habitual use of profanity is not progressive, just unimaginative."


"America indeed has become a progressive nation, if we understand "progressive" to mean progressing away from God, his incomparable blessings, and the moral foundation that made America great, and advancing toward a mythical utopia where mankind is in control of mankind (think "Lord of the Flies")."


"It is not sufficient for artistic expressions to serve as "signposts declaring what it is to be fully human." They should impart a vision of what it can be to become divine."


"If women don't like men staring at their chests, they shouldn't write on them."


"The problem with today's culture is that we have too many rights and not enough wrongs."


"The nature of a true seeker after beauty is to overlook flaws."


"When God asks a question, it is always rhetorical."
