98 Quotes by Ron Brackin

"Contrary to popular belief, diamond is not the hardest material known to man. The hardest material in the universe is dried egg yolk. And one day, it will revolutionize the construction industry."


"No one can take credit for inspiration or creativity."


"Writing is like gardening. Planting, watering, and weeding are not enough. You have to prune if you want growth."


"The massive doors of Area 51 closed behind him, echoing like iron thunder. Carl stood for a moment, inhaling the hot desert air, wondering whether to tell the world the wonders he had seen, and, if so, how. Amazing things. Other-worldly things. Also a set of car keys. And one brown sock."


"What I like best about cell phones is that I can talk to myself in the car now and nobody thinks it's weird."


"We can read a good spiritual book in search of information or in search of God. We will find only what we're looking for."


"When a friend of mine boasted about living in a gated community, I thought he meant Folsom, and I wondered whether he knew Charles Manson."


"There is no such thing as a bottomless pit. If it were bottomless, it would not be a pit. The only thing that comes close to being a bottomless pit is the intrinsic depravity of mankind."


"A curse of being a writer is the compulsion to edit. Take the sign on my walking trail, for example. It reads, 'Watered by well water.' One of these days, no matter how hard I try to resist, I just know I'm going to paint it out to read, 'Irrigated by well water.' If you don't get this, it's because you're not a writer."


"We were created with the ability and the inclination to admire beauty. We should, however, do our best not to fall in love with it."
