342 Quotes by Ron Chernow

  • Author Ron Chernow
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    Adams had spent most of his vice presidency exiled in the Senate, casting a record thirty-one tiebreaking votes. Of the number-two post, he said wearily but indelibly that it was “the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived.

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  • Author Ron Chernow
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    We really haven’t had very much experience with people funding their retirement out of the stock market, and we don’t know, frankly, how it would work under every scenario.

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  • Author Ron Chernow
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    Early disappointments with people left Washington with a residual cynicism that was to jibe well with Hamilton’s views.

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  • Author Ron Chernow
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    A group of Wall Street admirers created for Grant a $250,000 Presidential Retiring Fund, which would not only yield $15,000 in annual interest but reinforce his image as overly beholden to the rich. To supplement his income, Grant returned to his.

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  • Author Ron Chernow
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    Hamilton, back by August 13, dove into a debate that passionately engaged him: immigration. He opposed any attempt to restrict membership in Congress to native-born Americans or to stipulate a residency period before immigrants could qualify for it.

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  • Author Ron Chernow
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    Simon Wolf wrote during Woodrow Wilson’s tenure, “President Grant did more on behalf of American citizens of Jewish faith at home and abroad than all the Presidents of the United States prior thereto or since.

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  • Author Ron Chernow
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    Success comes from keeping the ears open and the mouth closed” and “A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.

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  • Author Ron Chernow
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    The tone of politics had rapidly grown very harsh. Some poison was released into the American political atmosphere that was not put back into the bottle for a generation. As after any revolution, purists were vigilant for signs of ideological backsliding and departures from the one true faith.

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  • Author Ron Chernow
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    In other words, Julia still believed in the beneficial effects of tobacco long after her husband had likely died from it. Even grimacing with pain, Grant tracked presidential politics intently.

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