61 Quotes by Ron Hall

  • Author Ron Hall
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    Problem was, Brother Brown kinda lost his grip and I sunk right to he bottom. I didn't know I was supposed to come right back up, so I just floated on down the river a ways, blowin bubbles and lookin up through the milky water at the clouds goin by. Aunt Etha told me afterward that the congregation panicked and charged into the river. They was still splashin around and callin my name when I popped up downriver like a bobber on a fishin line, a few shades paler and fulla the Holy Ghost!

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  • Author Ron Hall
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    Ever man should have the courage to stand up and face the enemy,' I said, 'cause ever person that looks like a enemy on the outside ain't necessarily one on the inside. We all has more in common that we think. You stood up with courage and faced me when I was dangerous, and it changed my life. You loved me for who I was on the inside, the person God meant for me to be, the one that had just gotten lost for a while on some ugly roads in life.

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  • Author Ron Hall
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    You know, you got to get the devil out the house 'fore you can clean it up!

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  • Author Ron Hall
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    Wounded and nearly blind with fear, I clung to the Scriptures:'Ask and you shall receive...''Pray without ceasing...''I will do whatever you ask for in My name...'Grimly, I shut out another verse, this one from the book of Job: 'The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.

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  • Author Ron Hall
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    I had been sleepin there for a long time hwen the Fort Worth police put up no-loiterin signs all over the place and made me have to move my sleepin spot. I found out later some rich white folks was "revitalizin" downtown. Raggedy black fellas sleepin ont he sidwalks wadn't part of the plan.

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  • Author Ron Hall
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    The more I learned, the more I hated the Man and wanted to right the wrongs of Louisiana's modern-day slave masters. I sang Denvery's story like a songbird to anyone who would listen. Then one day, a thought hit me like a right cross to the head: My own granddaddy had not been so much different from the Man. Fairer, yes. An honest and decent man in the Texas of his day. But the wages he paid were still no excuse for the pitiful way we treated the folks who worked his land.

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  • Author Ron Hall
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    If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

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