136 Quotes by Ron Wyden

  • Author Ron Wyden
  • Quote

    The president has the authority to end this dragnet surveillance immediately.

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  • Author Ron Wyden
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    Let’s hold insurance companies accountable the right way by making them put their whole customer base on the line.

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  • Author Ron Wyden
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    I’ve written and passed laws to give Medicare beneficiaries access to life saving cancer drugs and to ensure that seniors don’t have to give up the prospect of a cure when they go into hospice care.

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  • Author Ron Wyden
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    In today’s world, it is shortsighted to think that infectious diseases cannot cross borders. By allowing developing countries access to generic drugs, we not only help improve health in those nations, we also help ourselves control these debilitating and often deadly diseases.

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  • Author Ron Wyden
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    Right now, there are a limited number of customers for Canadian oil. Due to simple geography – and without the pipeline – it’s really only cost effective for Canadian oil producers to sell their oil to North American customers, mostly American Midwesterners.

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  • Author Ron Wyden
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    Until relatively recently, law enforcement’s ability to determine an individual’s location and track their movements was largely limited to natural human powers of observation.

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  • Author Ron Wyden
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    I agree with just about everyone in the reform debate when they say ‘If you like what you have, you should be able to keep it.’ But the truth is that none of the health reform bills making their way through Congress actually delivers on that promise.

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  • Author Ron Wyden
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    How can it be, in a country as strong and rich as this one, that tens of thousands of Americans who need legal representation are turned away every year because their government won’t support the very program designed to help them?

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  • Author Ron Wyden
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    It’s correct that I wanted health reform to do more to create choices and promote competition.

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