103 Quotes by Roseanna M. White

  • Author Roseanna M. White
  • Quote

    Her eyes . . . they were much like her father’s. They carried within them a knowledge of the storms always rumbling and flashing on the horizon. An understanding of these times, the good and the bad. A . . . a seeing. He didn’t know what else to call it. Not a gathering of the facts, of the patterns that he sought. It was something different. Something he couldn’t name. But something that made him think she understood things he didn’t

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  • Author Roseanna M. White
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    I do know that when we are told to leave vengeance to the Lord, it is not so that we can glory in it when it comes. . . .God's wrath is a mighty and terrible thing. we should not be wishing it on others--we should be trying to save them from it.

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  • Author Roseanna M. White
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    She had a feeling he was like a matryoshka doll too--a placid exterior that hid layers of secrets and mysteries. And she couldn't help but wonder what lay beneath this carefully crafted shell.

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  • Author Roseanna M. White
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    Oh! Yes. Precise nomenclature is how we can identify and separate one species from another. When something is given a unique name, it's... well, it's like a tip of the hat, in a way, isn't it? It's us acknowledging that it is unlike anything else previously named. It is something unique.

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