22 Quotes by Ross W. Greene

  • Author Ross W. Greene
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    When is challenging behavior most likely to occur? When the demands being placed on a kid exceed his capacity to respond adaptively.

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  • Author Ross W. Greene
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    Now you know: these skills don’t come naturally to all children. We tend to think that all children are created equal in these capacities, and this assumption causes many adults to believe that behaviorally challenging children must not want to do well. Now you know better.

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  • Author Ross W. Greene
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    A common belief about behaviorally challenging kids is that they have learned that their challenging behavior is an effective means of getting their way and coercing adults into giving in, and that their parents are passive, permissive, inconsistent disciplinarians. If this view hasn’t led to improvements in your child’s behavior, you may want to try on some different lenses: your child is lacking skills rather than motivation.

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  • Author Ross W. Greene
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    There are three options for dealing with those unsolved problems: Plan A refers to solving a problem unilaterally, through the imposition of adult will. Plan B involves solving a problem collaboratively. Plan C involves setting aside an unsolved problem, at least for now. If you intend to follow the guidance provided in this book, the Plans – especially Plan B – are your future.

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