41 Quotes by Rupert Spira

  • Author Rupert Spira
  • Quote

    Many of our ideas and beliefs about ourselves and the world are so deeply ingrained that we are unaware that they are beliefs and take them, without question, for the absolute truth.

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  • Author Rupert Spira
  • Quote

    Only that which is always with you can be said to be your self and if you look closely and simply at experience, only awareness is always ‘with you’.

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  • Author Rupert Spira
  • Quote

    In other words, in reality, there are not two things – one, the screen and two, the document or image. There is just the screen.

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  • Author Rupert Spira
  • Quote

    I’ve been operating according to the idea that it is almost impossible to let go of mental patterns that operate unconsciously and that I have to know such a pattern of thinking first in order to let go of it and abide in my true nature. Leave all those mental habits and patterns alone. The self that is apparently operating, that seems to know these patterns and that would ‘let go of them’ is itself simply one such pattern.

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  • Author Rupert Spira
  • Quote

    This perpetual longing for happiness – which can, by definition, never be fulfilled because that very search itself denies the happiness that is present in our own being now – condemns us to an endless search in the future and thus perpetuates unhappiness. It is for this reason that the poet said, “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.

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  • Author Rupert Spira
  • Quote

    When the fan, the hand or indeed anything else are experienced, their apparent existence is not separate from awareness. All experiences are equally close, equally ‘one with’, awareness. When the apparent object disappears, awareness remains as it is.

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  • Author Rupert Spira
  • Quote

    Nor have we, aware presence, ever become sad, angry, anxious, depressed, in need, agitated, jealous, etc. At the same time, we are intimately one with all such feelings when they are present. Although we are the substance of all such feelings, just as the screen is the substance of all images, we are inherently free of them. Unhappiness is made out of our self, but our self is never unhappy.

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  • Author Rupert Spira
  • Quote

    In reality, which means in our actual experience, all experience is one seamless substance. The duality between the inside self and the outside object, world or other is never actually experienced. It is always imagined.

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  • Author Rupert Spira
  • Quote

    The belief that we were born, that we change, evolve, grow old and die is simply a belief to which the vast majority of humanity subscribes without realizing that they are doing so. It is the religion of our culture.

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