1,449 Quotes by Rush Limbaugh

  • Author Rush Limbaugh
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    You’ll never go to the library and find a book on how to fail, because we all do it.

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  • Author Rush Limbaugh
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    Is it a coincidence that in 1998, Barack Obama talks about a majority coalition of welfare recipients and in 2012 we got a record number of Americans on food stamps while he’s president? I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

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  • Author Rush Limbaugh
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    Obama is not the messiah any longer. He is now your standard, ordinary, everyday politician who lies, who breaks promises, who’s in it for himself, who can’t do anything on his own. He’s not qualified. All of this is becoming known, sadly, too late.

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  • Author Rush Limbaugh
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    I come from a long ago era where men could be men and stereotypical humor didn’t offend anybody.

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  • Author Rush Limbaugh
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    Liberalism, socialism, whatever, it is such a corrupting, destructive thing. And I believe it’s the most destructive force in the world today, outside of, militarized weaponry and that kind of thing.

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  • Author Rush Limbaugh
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    The media says, “How in the world can you do this? You’re here, you’re in Great Britain, you’re in the UK, and they just had the Brexit vote, and you’re talking about your golf course?” Trump says, “Yeah, and you know what? The falling pound is even gonna help my business here.”

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  • Author Rush Limbaugh
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    Obama hasn’t lost his standing because of tricks played by the Republicans. He hasn’t lost his standing because the media’s not fair to him. He hasn’t lost his standing or his approval number because the media spent four years attacking him like they did George W. Bush. This is all on him.

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  • Author Rush Limbaugh
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    There is no immigration policy in the US that is permitting what’s happening. What’s happening here is happening outside the law, that our leaders do not wish to enforce or acknowledge. And the same thing happened in the UK.

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  • Author Rush Limbaugh
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    Obama’s an angry guy. He’s got a chip on his shoulder.

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