58 Quotes by S. Jay Olshansky

  • Author S. Jay Olshansky
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    The fact is that nothing in gerontology even comes close to fulfilling the promise of dramatically extended lifespan, in spite of bold claims to the contrary that by now should sound familiar.

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  • Author S. Jay Olshansky
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    I have little doubt that gerontologists will eventually find a way to avoid, or more likely, delay, the unpleasantries of extended life.

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  • Author S. Jay Olshansky
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    Growing new limbs, copying internal organs like a Xerox machine, exponential increases in computing power, better eyes and ears - I could read stories like this endlessly.

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  • Author S. Jay Olshansky
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    There is no empirical evidence to suggest that ageing in humans has been modified by any means, nor is there evidence that it is even possible to measure biological age. And nothing has been demonstrated to be true when it comes to anti-ageing medicines.

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  • Author S. Jay Olshansky
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    Humans will die like all living things do, but we have the added burden of knowing that we will.

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  • Author S. Jay Olshansky
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    Researchers have been looking for biomarkers of age for a long time and have failed. People sell tests out there to measure your biological age, and none of them work. There's no evidence that you can measure biological age with any reliability.

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  • Author S. Jay Olshansky
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    Just because someone looks old doesn't mean he or she is. The skin of some people who spend a lot of time outdoors seems to age very rapidly. Someone can look 80 or 90 and only be 40 to 50.

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