24 Quotes by Sally Kempton

"It's hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head."


"As the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad says, “As is your will, so is your thought; as is your thought, so is your deed; as is your deed, so is your life."


"Through imagination, we tap into our highest human potential and encounter that which is more than human in us: that which is divine."


"It’s hard to fight an enemy who has outposts in your head."


"The divine feminine knows that a birth sometimes demands a death, and that the personal self sometimes has to die if the world is to be made sacred."


"O Kali, my mother full of Bliss! Enchantress of the almighty Shiva! In your delirious joy you dance, clapping your hands together! You are the mover of all that moves, and we are your helpless toys! RAM PRASAD."


"From a Tantric perspective, the inner masculine – Shiva – is the source of consciousness, awareness. But in order to act, to stir, he must take energy from the inner feminine."


"The word shakti means “power.” Shakti, the innate power in reality, has five “faces.” It manifests as the power to be conscious, the power to feel ecstasy, the power of will or desire, the power to know, and the power to act."


"For women especially, tuning into the goddesses is a way of homing in on aspects of our own life-energy that we may never have understood or owned. Celebrating the goddesses has the potential not only to tune us to our own sacred capacities, but also to help us work with the hidden and secret forces at play in our lives. When we can do that, we can literally harness these forces for our own transformation."


"Let the beauty of what you love be what you do. There are many ways to kneel and kiss the ground. RUMI."
