370 Quotes by Sandra Bullock
"I don't like to fly. I've never been a good flyer. I have a lot of friends that have permanent nail marks in their arms... The moaning that comes from me when there is turbulence. It's awkward for everyone around."
"You're never in control. That - that is the greatest fallacy of the - you know, there's over 200 people that it requires to make a film. And there's people who are in control of how you look, what your performance is, what takes are used, what - you're only in control of how you say no."
"I've been in enough films where the studio wanted that extra little cuteness to make it sellable."
"Latinos, Asians, African-Americans, women - we're all trying to find our place in this world of cinema and television and theater. And the great thing with comedy is that most of the time, you could be orange. It doesn't matter, as long you're funny."
"I don’t think there’s ever what could be called a ‘chilled state’ in my head."
"I'm controlling, and I want everything orderly, and I need lists. My mind goes a mile a minute. I'm difficult on every single level."
"If a film is not a success, then that's just the way things are. Nothing I can do can make a difference. I have stopped worrying about it."
"When I was a struggling actress in New York in my 20s I worked in a burger joint called Diane's Uptown. I actually loved waiting tables. I still keep who I was in my mind and never take anything for granted."
"My mother always told me, 'Don't get married. Make your own life. You don't need a man.'"