52 Quotes by Santino Hassell

  • Author Santino Hassell
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    Being the person you want to be is nearly impossible once you’ve finally come to terms with who you really are.

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  • Author Santino Hassell
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    I wanted to taste him without thinking, feel him without seeing, and enjoy the sensation of my body turning inside out with a fierce desire to never let this end.

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  • Author Santino Hassell
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    If someone had told me adulthood was equal parts being broke, depressed, and taking care of my family financially, I would have opted out and tried to find a one-way ticket to Neverland. “What.

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  • Author Santino Hassell
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    You’re taking my position as lame hermit in this relationship.

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  • Author Santino Hassell
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    There was a rustling sound and two thumps that sounded suspiciously like shoes hitting the floor. Then David wriggled under the sheet to cuddle up to me. I tensed. David plastering his body all over mine wasn’t new – the guy was like a heat-seeking missile and seemed to constantly crave physical contact – but I was normally fully clothed for our impromptu cuddle sessions. Now, I had on nothing more than a pair of briefs. Not that he cared. He rubbed his face against my shoulder like a cat.

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  • Author Santino Hassell
  • Quote

    I tried to make rice the other day, and it was a disaster.” David tilted his head. “Just follow the directions on the box.” The look of disgust that Raymond aimed at David dragged an unexpected laugh out of me. David looked between us in confusion, and Raymond shook his head. “White people.

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  • Author Santino Hassell
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    There were so many reasons Ashton was the person who took up the most space in my heart, and none of them had to do with the fact that he was good in bed.

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